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戦国Ⅰ 「中の院家文書」(一四七九年)(Sengoku I, Naka no In Household Documents, 1479)


戦国Ⅰ 「中の院家文書」(一四七九年)(Sengoku I, Naka no In Household Documents, 1479)
(中略)又次の年文明六年一月當國一亂の刻(みぎり)、彼の名の事額田御百姓の中へ、渡部子息法躰之時押し取るべき之由、庄家之御返事を申されると雖も、既に去年一途落居(らっきょ)の處、此子細を取り立て、當本泉房へ申さるる事叶うべからず之由申さるる處、渡部四郎の方其時申さるる旨は、今度(このたび)土合城申しこむる事、依って此名の莅 (のぞみ)之由度々申さるる處、當國之一亂は、佛法の當敵責め失い、廉直之爲弓箭(の)處、無理に知行をせしめ押領を有るべきの事、勿躰無く(もったいなく)子細之由惣庄御返事之間、其時彼四郎の方重ね而是非に及ばず申す事閉口おわぬ、(中略)   文明十一年二月日 (pp.214-215)

This particular document relates to the position of Nayadera against a warrior family by the name of Watanabe, who claim ownership over territory previously administered by the temple. Apparently the conflict dates back to the year that the large scale uprising took place (Bunmei 6). A certain Watanabe Hōtei had taken it upon himself to start residing on the temple`s territory by taking it by force and not waiting for a judgment from the Naka no In. Nayadera had scolded the Watanabe many times, stating that the land they were on belonged to the temple, yet the Watanabe had merely shut themselves up in their fortress and refused to budge, repeating the same reason that they had given before. Nayadera explains that at the time of the uprising, they were fighting against an enemy of the Buddha, and as they had taken up arms in this conflict, to take advantage of the situation by ignoring any directives and seizing land for oneself was `extremely vexing` (mottainaku). Although a response from Naka no In had arrived detailing what was to occur (which was obviously that the land was to be returned to the temple), a certain Watanabe Shiro still refused to acknowledge the illegality of his family`s action, which was again very troubling for the temple.

© Greg Pampling. This page was modified in December 2011